Sunday, November 20, 2005

Reason #5

The radio stations.

We have 3 to choose from. Commercial, Public & Christian. 'nuf said.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Reason #4

Pouring down rain over snow. One big slush puppie.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Reason #3


Apparrently Old Town had one. Everybody plays darts now. Steel tip.

If we had a bowling alley I'd have my own ball, bag and shoes. Probably would work there part-time. As a pro. Now I'm the embarrased Valdez bowler when I go to Anch or Frbks and throw a few strikes and many gutter balls. Trying to find the right bowling ball the whole night.

next time your in Valdez ask where the bowling alley is and see what kind of looks you get.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Reason #2

No natural gas pipes connected to our homes! THe oil companies burn it up on THe north slope and waste it. Here we are, at the terminus of the Trans-Alaska pipeline, and NO natural gas available. We get screwed here. Our options for heating are from either bad to worse: Electricity, Propane, Diesel and/or wood. Natural gas is so much cleaner.

Prudhoe Bay pumps and Valdez sucks!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Reason #1

Most of my friends either moved away, died or are in jail.